2009年アカデミー賞VIPパーティーにて/Taboo(Black Eyed Peas)

LAS The Place.com にてナチュロック溶岩ジュエリーが紹介されました。


Naturock (www.naturock.co.jp) is a unique bracelet designed to slowly release the scent of essential oils. The bracelets are essentially made from rubber, with stainless steel accents and clasp, and framing a round piece of lava rock; essential oils are placed into the porous rock where the fabulous aroma lingers and lasts for up to one week. Naturock is based in Japan. The company uses magma ad lava rock as sustainable materials to build with. Amazing uses of natural materials to create sustainable solutions. Bravo Naturock! www.naturock.co.jp
